Skills for life!

Churchie 17 July to 11 September 2023


We’re on a mission to help our youth  move better, manage their emotions and  make better decisions under pressure. 

By developing better athlete’s teams don’t  need to have specialist positions. They will  have all the necessary skills to field anywhere  and be very effective.  

It is also important for players to learn to pave their own way and to find ways to increase their value.

children playing football


We provide a specialised training program for  young athletes that results in better players  with skillset versatility. 

With the use of expert coaches in their field, we  will use drills that are fun but also important for  developing athleticism.  

There are key ingredients in becoming good at  anything, we will explore these key ingredients  and help athletes develop these skills in order to  add value to their position in any sports program.  

Each sport has its own set of skill requirements  outside of technical and tactical skills, and most  of the time these requirements are the difference  between success or failure.


The process will start from age 6.

We will have a plan for each developmental stage to make sure that players develop the right skills at the right stage to help them be prepared for the next level.

We will focus on each athlete and ensure they:

  • Fulfill their potential
  • Develop good habits
  • Avoid burnout
  • Improve overall skills development
  • Have FUN while training
Athletics running


Athleticism is formed by ten key components that make up balanced physical fitness, or what we refer to as complete athleticism. They are strength, speed, power, agility, anaerobic capacity, aerobic capacity, mobility, balance and coordination, mental resilience, and stability.


Our Athletic Profile consists of:

1. Physical Skills

2. Athletic Intelligence

3. Character Skills


We’ll have a plan for each development stage so players are always prepared and ready to take on the next challenge. To achieve our goal, we develop better athletes so that they can use their new skills in any sport they choose.

  • Body Awareness techniques.
  • Stability and Balance
  • Manipulative Skills
  • Nutrition
  • Locomotor Skills
  • Movement
warmup exercises
warmup exercises

Stability and Balance

Stability skills can be defined as the ability  to sense a shift in the relationship of the  body parts that alter one’s balance, as  well as the ability to adjust rapidly and  accurately to these changes with the  appropriate compensating movements.

Stability skills include:

  • Transferring Weight
  • Bending And Curling
  • Stability And Balance
  • Dynamic Balance
  • Stretching
  • Twisting
  • Turning

Manipulative Skills

A manipulative skill is one in which  someone handles an object with  the hands, feet, or other body parts. Manipulative skills are basic to the  development of sport skills; throwing,  catching, bouncing, rolling, kicking, and  striking (with and without an object). 

Manipulative skills include:

  • Bouncing
  • Catching
  • Kicking or Rolling (a ball)
  • Dribbling (moving a ball with the feet, as in soccer)
  • Lifting
  • Throwing
  • Pushing & Pulling (the object might be a wheeled toy)
  • Striking (such as swinging a baseball bat or golf club to hit a ball)
Warmup exercise

Locomotor Skills

Locomotor skills enable athletes to move  through different environments, moving  their body from one place to another. The  key locomotor skills are walking, running,  jumping, hopping, crawling, marching,  climbing, galloping, sliding, leaping, hopping,  and skipping. 


Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) are  the building blocks for movement, and they  form the foundation for many of the specific  motor skills required in popular sports and  leisure activities. 

Body Awareness 

Body awareness (proprioception) is the  ability to recognize the orientation of  your body in a space. Athletes with good  body awareness are able to perform tasks  including dribbling without looking and  keeping their feet inbounds. 


Why is nutrition important? 

Nutrition is essential for supporting an  athlete’s general health and their training  needs. Having a suitable diet provides a  person with enough energy and nutrients to  meet the demands of training and exercise.  

In addition to helping a person perform  optimally, it facilitates recovery. 


Understanding our players/students  can lead to better outcomes for them  and for teacher/coaches. 

Athletic Intelligence includes the  cognitive abilities that enable athletes  to optimally visualize their surroundings  in real time, learn and recall game  information fluently, react quickly and  accurately to stimuli, and sustain rapid  decision making for extended periods.

Athletic Intelligence measures the following 4 Broad Abilities

  • Visual Spatial Processing
  • Reaction Time
  • Processing Speed Decision Making
  • Learning Efficiency
Playing ball in the swimming pool
Athletics gathered together

Visual Spatial Processing

Spatial ability or visual-spatial ability  is the capacity to understand, reason,  and remember the visual and spatial  relations among objects or space. 

Visual-spatial processing, in  combination with visual motor skills, lets  kids coordinate their movements with  what they see. For example, to catch a  ball, your child must gauge the speed  and distance of the ball in flight and  adjust her movements accordingly. Kids  use visual spatial processing skills to  walk through a crowded room without  bumping into anyone. 

Reaction Time 

Reaction time may be defined simply  as the time between a stimulus and a  response. 

The first part of reaction is identifying  that the ball is actually coming their way.  The second part is to the make the right  decision on what to do. The third part is  to initiate the action. The reaction time  can be seen as the start of the catching  movement.

Processing Speed -Decision Making

Decision making can be observed as  the intellectual process resulting in  the selection of a belief or a course  of action among several different  options. Every decision-making process  produces a final choice that may or  may not prompt action. 

Decision making is the process of  making choices by identifying a  

decision, gathering information, and  assessing alternative resolutions.

Manipulative skills include:

  • STEP 1: Identify the decision
  • STEP 2: Gather relevant information
  • STEP 3: Identify the alternatives
  • STEP 4: Weigh the evidence
  • STEP 5: Choose among alternatives
  • STEP 6: Take Action
  • STEP 7: Review your decision & consequences

These steps will be developed using several methods.  Each step requires a different skill and one method  won’t help good decision making.

Learning Efficiency 

Learning Efficiency is about retaining  information and recall it whenever  needed and apply the knowledge to  various situations. An effective or  efficient learner is not afraid of making  mistakes and asks for help when  needed. 

Playing badminton

Personality refers to the range of  distinctive personal qualities and traits of  an individual. 

A character refers to a set of morals  and beliefs that defines how we treat or  behave with others and ourselves. We will  look at two types of Character, Moral and  Performance. 

Moral Character 

Good moral character and reputation means the possession of  honesty and truthfulness, trustworthiness and reliability, and a  professional commitment. 

Performance Character  

Performance character refers to the cognitive, emotional, and  behavioural qualities needed to achieve human excellence in  performance environments-in school, extracurricular activities,  and work. Performance character is built on “willing values” such  as perseverance, diligence, and self-discipline. Performance  character consists of the qualities that allow individuals to regulate  their thoughts and actions in ways that support achievement in a  particular endeavour.

Playing ball in the swimming pool
Playing football

Personality refers to the range of  distinctive personal qualities and traits of  an individual. 

A character refers to a set of morals  and beliefs that defines how we treat or  behave with others and ourselves. We will  look at two types of Character, Moral and  Performance. 

We will look at the following 7 traits

  • Self-Awareness
  • Courage
  • Ethics
  • Cooperation
  • Leadership
  • Curiosity
  • Resilience


Self-awareness is the ability to tune in  to your feelings, thoughts, and actions.  Being self-aware also means being able  to recognize how other people see you.  People who are self-aware recognize their  strengths and their challenges and is a  quality associated with both developing and  performance excellence. It can help athletes  to build self-confidence and self-esteem,  take more responsibility for their actions, as  well as make better decisions. 


Is mental or moral strength to venture,  persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or  difficulty. Courage gives you the power to  chase after things that are important to you.  It also bolsters your self-confidence and  allows you to believe in your abilities. It’s  important that you realize that courage is  not the absence of fear. 

Playing badminton
Player hand smashing the ball


Ethics is the discipline concerned with what is  morally good and bad and morally right and wrong.  It contributes to a community of respect and trust  between competitors and in society. The goal in  sportsmanship is not simply to win, but to pursue  victory with honour by giving one’s best effort. Ethics  in sport requires four key virtues: fairness, integrity,  responsibility, and respect. 


The actions of someone who is being helpful by doing  what is wanted or asked for. 

Learning to cooperate with others towards a common  goal in sports is what builds character, friendship  and important life skills for players and coaches. The  friendships built within a team can last a lifetime for  some players, and the journey of a team throughout a  season is often memorable. A social process through  which performance is evaluated and rewarded in  terms of the collective achievement of a group of  people working together to reach a particular goal.


Leadership is not a title or position.  Leadership is a positive example and a  positive action. 

Effective leaders, are highly focused on a vision  for their team and drive others toward outcome  and results for that vision. Athletes recognize the  importance of teamwork and trust, they know  how to deal with adversity and conflict, and they  know how to think strategically and shift  course when necessary.


Curiosity is a strong desire to know or  learn something. A desire to know what  their potential is. What limits do or don’t  exist. What an experience feels like. 

A curious mind is one that wants to learn,  gain more knowledge. With a curious mind,  knowledge and learning trump outcomes  and results. When your ego or identity isn’t  tied to results, you’re willing to take more  calculated risks or attempt harder things. 

Constant learning, adapting, and growing  are crucial. Without the courage or desire  to challenge the way you’ve been doing  things and look for growth areas, you’ll stay  right where you are. Curiousness enhances  positive emotions and helps to reduce stress  and anxiety. When you are curious, you are  more resourceful, often looking at what you  can do with what you have versus fixating  on what you’re lacking.


Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly  from difficulties; the process of adapting well  in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy,  threats, or significant sources of stress. 

The ability to bounce back from a poor  performance or a detrimental mistake is crucial to  an athlete’s success. As much as athletes hate to  admit it, failure is a part of the game. 

Playing badminton